A flaw in Safari – that allows an attacker to spoofAttack.Phishingwebsites and trickAttack.Phishingvictims into handing over their credentials – has yet to be patchedVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerability. A browser address bar spoofing flaw was foundVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityby researchers this week in Safari – and Apple has yet issueVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerabilitya patch for the flaw . Researcher Rafay Baloch on Monday disclosedVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitytwo proof-of-concepts revealingVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityhow vulnerabilities in Edge browser 42.17134.1.0 and Safari iOS 11.3.1 could be abused to manipulate the browsers ’ address bars , tricking victims into thinking they are visiting a legitimate website . Baloch told Threatpost Wednesday that Apple has promised to fixVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerabilitythe flaw in its next security update for Safari . “ Apple has told [ me ] that the latest beta of iOS 12 also addressesVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerabilitythe issue , however they haven ’ t provided any dates , ” he said . Apple did not respond to multiple requests for comment from Threatpost . Microsoft for its part has fixedVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerabilitythe vulnerability Baloch foundVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityin the Edge browser , ( CVE-2018-8383 ) in its August Patch Tuesday release . According to Microsoft ’ s vulnerability advisory releasedVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerabilityAugust 14 , the spoofing flaw exists because Edge does not properly parse HTTP content . Both flaws stem from the Edge and Safari browsers allowing JavaScript to update the address bar while the page is still loading . This means that an attacker could request data from a non-existent port and , due to the delay induced by the setInterval function , trigger the address bar spoofing . The browser would then preserve the address bar and load the content from the spoofed page , Baloch said in his blog breaking down both vulnerabilities . From there , the attacker could spoofAttack.Phishingthe website , using it to lureAttack.Phishingin victims and potentially gather credentials or spread malware . For instance , the attacker could sendAttack.Phishingan email message containing the specially crafted URL to the user , convince the user to click it , and take them to the link which could gather their credentials or sensitive information . “ As per Google , Address bar is the only reliable indicator for ensuring the identity of the website , if the Address bar points to Facebook.com and the content is hosted on attacker ’ s website , there is no reason why someone would not fall for this , ” Baloch told Threatpost . In a video demonstration , Baloch showed how he could visit a link for the vulnerable browser on Edge ( http : //sh3ifu [ . ] com/bt/Edge-Spoof.html ) , which would take him to a site purporting to beAttack.PhishingGmail login . However , while the URL points to a Gmail address , the content is hosted on sh3ifu.com , said Baloch . The Safari proof-of-concept is similar , except for one constraint where it does not allow users to type their information into the input boxes while the page is in a loading state . However , Bolach said he was able to circumvent this restriction by injecting a fake keyboard using Javascript – a common practice in banking sites . No other browsers – including Chrome or Firefox – were discoveredVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityto have the flaw , said Baloch . Baloch is known for discoveringVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitysimilar vulnerabilities in Chrome , Firefox and other major browsers in 2016 , which also allowed attackers to spoof URLs in the address bar . The vulnerabilities were disclosedVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityto both Microsoft and Apple and Baloch gave both a 90-day deadline before he went publicVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitywith the flaws . Due to the Safari browser bug being unpatchedVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerability, Baloch said he has not yet released a Proof of Concept : “ However considering there is a slight difference between the Edge browser POC and Safari , anyone with decent knowledge of Javascript can make it work on Safari , ” he told us .
Updated An independent researcher claims to have uncoveredVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitya security flaw in Microsoft Edge . The issue enables any website to identify someone by their username from another website , according to Ariel Zelivansky . More specifically the bod allegesVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitythat Edge exposes the URL of any JavaScript Fetch response , in contradiction to the specification . This is a problem because it 's possible to identify netizens by crafting a fetch request in a webpage that will redirect to a URL containing the visitor 's username ( e.g . requesting https : //facebook.com/me will pull in https : //facebook.com/username ) . Zelivansky alertedVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityMicrosoft but the software giant saidVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitythe issue was not a security problem . El Reg also prodded Redmond only to be told the tech giant had nothing to add beyond its response to Zelivansky . The researcher went publicVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitywith his findings and tipped off The Reg earlier this month after Redmond decided the issue didn't meritVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerabilitya security fix . The privacy shortcoming has spawned a discussion thread on Reddit . ® Despite Microsoft 's silence , it turns out the Windows giant has decided to assign an engineer to look into the matter – but it is still not being treated as a security vulnerability .